Happy Valentine's Day to EVERYONE! Although this day is observed as the day that those who are in-love are to show this to one another, for me, I believe this is a day that love should be shown to EVERYONE- romantic or not...as some of my friends put it, this is “Single Awareness Day” LOL...and to them, I say “I love you!”
I have noticed something a bit disturbing, and this happens on the other 364 days of the year to-- people exposing TOO much about their personal/ love lives on social media. I have seen the romantic overload, where some people's posts on Facebook and Twitter are ALWAYS talking about love (having it or wanting it); I have seen others profiles flooded with sexual content every five minutes, and I have seen those who probably started the name “Single Awareness Day” because their posts are so depressing and TOO forthcoming about their lack of a love life, or how their former flame did them SOOO wrong!
Using Twitter and Facebook to express yourself is definitely one of the perks of utilizing social media; however, too much of something is NEVER a good thing- and that includes your love life. When you expose so much of your life, it gives off a perception- one you may not be aware of in some cases. For those that MUST post a daily picture of themselves kissing their spouse can give off a perception that they're more interested in “trying to show the world” that they're in love, but may not “really be” and that they in turn are “FAKE” [insert MANY celebrity breakup examples here]. For those with the sexual hunger of an animal, no judgments here, but your profile should never read that you cannot go five minutes without talking/thinking about sex---unless you work in another type of industry...that rhymes with “corn”; lastly, those that are dealing with that “Scandal”-esque love (devastating, world changing, painful love) learn to limit how much of that you post...it reads “I am depressed!” and while that may not be true, as my Dad used to tell me, “Sometimes the truth will be other people's perceptions and there's nothing you can do about it”.
I would like to believe many people are well-rounded, and have lives that are made up of many different experiences; make sure your profiles reflect this and try to keep some things about your life private...you never know who is watching!

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