Monday, February 18, 2013


     I will never forget the moment in the 8th grade, when my teacher cursed me out. Her name was Mrs. Jersky, and was known as one of the hardest teachers in my middle school. Of course, because of her reputation, many students opted to leave the “s” in her last name out, and although I wouldn't say she was a “jerk”, she was surely nothing to be played with. The day she “cursed me out”, she never used one profane word--- English teachers do not need to use profanity- they can curse you out courtesy of Webster.

     Anyway, she pulled me outside of the classroom, and told me how disappointed she was in me for falling behind on assignments. She told me that I was one of her brightest students and my actions were unacceptable. She didn't even ask me if I wanted to have another chance to make up for not doing my work, she just simply told me I had better turn in every assignment I missed by the next day or it was my Gluteus Maximus...she made me feel like I was the jerk that day...but believe I turned in all of those assignments the VERY next day.

As I approach my final semester before graduating, I reflect upon teachers that made a difference in my life. There have been a few that have done NOTHING for my growth as a human being or scholar, there have been some that have been “hard” without a rhyme or reason, and there have been some that do the bare minimum and you can tell they would rather be somewhere else.

    In a time where the education system and teachers are often criticized, many people forget to thank the ones who ARE doing their jobs, doing them well, and actually care about their students. You don't have to teach a student, to have an impact on their lives- just having integrity and being fair is the start; but there are some of you out here that REALLY care about promoting your students to the next level- even if it means being a “Jerk” and kicking some glutes! So to you all, I say “Thank You” now for impacting my life and pushing me to be the best scholar and PERSON I can be...I can only pray that my children have educators like you in the future.

Peace & Blessings,

   Patrice (Jones) Nickols

Mrs. Wrenn, Mrs. Jersky, Dr. Carter, Dr. Faux, Professor Caldwell, Dr. Conrad, Professor McNeal, Ms. Davis, Mr. Rose, Mrs. Aarons, Mrs. Nobles- Jones, Mr. Summers..and to any teacher I forgot, forgive my head and not my heart!

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